
My name is Yobi Bina Setiawan

12+ years of experience building scalable web and mobile applications. Throughout my career I've built applications with focus on code quality, reusability, testability. Good with analytical and problem solving skills that are coupled with strong communication

Professional Experience

Engeneering manager

62Teknologi, Jakarta

Jan 2023 - Present


  1. PGP Privy

    1. Privy Golf Application
    2. Stack: React Js (Mobile App), React JS (Admin), Golang (Backend API)
  2. TourID

    1. Traveller Markerplace APP
    2. Stack: Stack: Next Js, React JS (Admin), Golang (Backend API)
  3. WMS Transmarco

    1. Warehouse management software
    2. Stack: React Js (Mobile App), React JS (Admin), Laravel (Backend API)
  4. Dolarindo

    1. Money changer software
    2. Stack: React JS (Admin), Laravel (Backend API)
  5. AMBPI

    1. HPI (Human Performance Improvement ) application.
    2. Stack: React Native (Mobile App), React JS (Admin), Laravel (Backend API)
  6. Enamdua Compro

    1. Company Profile 62teknologi
    2. Stack: NuxtJS (FrontEnd), Laravel (Backend API)

Lead Developer

62Teknologi, Jakarta

Jan 2022 - Jan 2023



    1. Letter managment system
    2. Stack: Flutter (Mobile App), React JS (CMS App), Laravel (Backend App)
  2. MS GLOW Clinic

    1. Reservation medical treatment application
    2. Stack: React Native (Mobile App), React JS (Admin App), Laravel (Backend API)
  3. Eat and Fit

    1. Online food order application
    2. Stack: Laravel (Admin App), AlPineJS

    1. Skin care marketplace application
    2. Stack: React Native (Mobile App), React JS (Admin App), Laravel (Backend API)

FullStack Developer

62Teknologi, Jakarta

Jan 2021 - Jan 2022


  1. Nifty

    1. Talent seeker application, manage proses screening talent
    2. Stack: React Native (Mobile App), React JS (Admin App), Laravel (Backend API)

Freelance Developer

Novatross, USA

Jan 2014 - 2021

Build and maintance healthcare system applications


  1. Theo

  2. Preventon

  3. AccessONE

  4. ClinicalTrigger

  5. Prety Mobile App

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